Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 11

Pending purchasing a sonogram machine (maybe Tom Cruise can lend us his), here's a virtual picture of our baby Week 11.

Nausea comes and goes....I think I don't have it as bad as many women ALHAMDULILLAH.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

The world stinks!

Literally, the world stinks! I used to pride myself on a nose that doesn't pick up scents right away. It was a very useful tool, particularly if the scent was more like a bad smell.

Alhamdulillah, with pregnancy comes these funny changes. Now I can smell smog, pollution, odors, the city. Even smells considered pleasant such as a favorite food, now come under the 'stinky' category, just because they elicit a response :)

I miss being smell-aloof. Can't wait before these bionic tendencies go away. I think I'm driving everyone around me crazy (including myself)!

Friday, June 08, 2007

We're expecting!

If you haven't heard already, Hasan and I are expecting our first child. We're excited. Make dua'a for us. If I can post some pics, I will. (A matter of scanning them). Anyone have tips on parenting:)?

I'm in week 9, so the baby isn't even a fetus yet. Here's a virtual picture.

Mor immediate importance: Any tips on pregnancy? Feels like a little alien has taken over my body for the next nine months and then will return it.:) Ah the joys. No real morning sickness, but like all women, I have that bionic woman nose that can smell anything from the next town and make you feel naseous.

Parents in Orlando

Last April, my parents spent a week with us and we had a wonderful time alhamdulillah. Three doors down from us is a neighborhood pond (ponds and lakes are everywhere in Orlando). It was our favorite spot to hang out when they were here.

Our neighbors stocked the pond with fish and made it clear to throw back any that we caught. Here's the huge one that my dad caught. I think we caught like 5 that day.

To this day, my dad likes to get updates on our pond when we talk to him. He asks if the water has gone up from the rains, if the reeds are overtaking it, if anyone is cleaning it. Sometimes he calls just to talk to Hasan about the pond and tells Hasan to just give me my dad's salams! (I think I'm jealous of the pond:)